Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

Advanced Placement exams are the high school exams that most American students take in their last two to three years of high school. We tutor students for a range of AP exams and subjects. Please contact us to find out more, so we can help you build your school career and college story with Wentworth Education.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

Advanced Placement exams are the high school exams that most American students take in their last two to three years of high school. We tutor students for a range of AP exams and subjects. Please contact us to find out more, so we can help you build your school career and college story with Wentworth Education.

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Tutoring

What are Advanced Placement (AP) Exams?

Advanced Placement (AP) Tutoring at with Wentworth Education

Advanced Placement exams are the high school exams that most American students take in their last two to three years of high school. If you are at an international US high school or a US boarding school, these tests form a large part of your final two years of school. Please don't hesitate to get in touch to find a tutor for an AP exam.

How We Support Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

Our educational consultants can help you think about which tests to take and how to build your academic school career through the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior years of High School.

In particular, our tutors can help you to prepare for the Advanced Placement (AP) exams. AP Exams that we regularly support students on are: